mold testing AustinTexas - An Overview

Mold Inspection of Austin
2700 Vía Fortuna #145 Austin, TX 78746
(512) 200-7198

mold inspection Austin

Mold Inspection Services

Schedule Your Mold Inspection Today Catstorngs’ certified mold inspectors are trained to find the cause of mold, mildew, asbestos, nasty odors, leaks, radon, and much more. It is imperative that you routinely get your property inspected for mold. If you would like to schedule an appointment to have your property inspected, please click here or call us at 713-401-9751 Austin TX .

We do not perform mold remediation, so when you work with us there are no conflicts of interest. Think you have a mold problem? Take our informative Mold Quiz to help determine the likelihood you have a mold problem.

Mold Inspection Cost For Apartment

Moisture meters are one of the main tools used by certified mold inspectors to determine mold growth. The EPA has stated, “there is no practical way to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment; the way to control indoor mold growth is to control moisture.” Catstorng uses highly calibrated moisture equipment to find if any areas within the building envelope are registering higher than normal. We take the water content reading then add in the dew point and humidity reading as to get you the most accurate moisture reading. This is important because mold needs moisture to grow.

In the first few years of business I observed a fairly consistent pattern of what appeared to be mold, mildew and other organic materials growing on attic sheathings, crawlspaces, shower stalls, bedroom closets and root cellars. The mold growth issues all had one thing in common – elevated moisture and insufficient ventilation.

Mold Inspection Test Kit

I receive at least one or two calls per week by a panicked parent regarding what they believe is black mold . In the mold inspection industry, that is not a technical word since mold can be any color in the rainbow.    The real question is what is the level of toxicity?

Mold Inspection Services

Schedule Your Mold Inspection Today! Catstorngs’ certified mold inspectors are trained to find the cause of mold, mildew, asbestos, nasty odors, leaks, radon, and much more. It is imperative that you routinely get your property inspected for mold. If you would like to schedule an appointment to have your property inspected, please click here or call us at 713-401-9751.

Mold Inspection And Testing Reviews

During the comprehensive visual inspection our certified mold inspector should be able to visually identify that mold is growing at the property. A mold sample may not really be needed to determine that it is mold. However, a lab confirmation may be necessary for an insurance claim or lawsuit.

Mold Inspection Sciences Reviews Austin TX

These air samples are sent to a lab for analysis. The lab typically provides its results with in 72 hours of receiving the samples.   Once I have the results I pass them on to my client and we discuss the findings.    If the conclusion is ‘mold is present’, then it is time to bring in a mold remediation expert to further examine and treat the home or business.

Mold Inspector Certification

The certified mold inspectors from Catstorng take moisture readings that give the exact scale and severity of moisture, which can create ideal spaces for mold growth . Being able to measure and pinpoint the location of moisture allows the property owner the ability to eliminate mold. Being proactive and having a certified mold inspector take moisture readings helps in early detection.

Free MoldConsultation Austin Texas

Software often gives inspectors the choice of including photographs in the main body of the report, near the narrative that describes them, or photographs may be grouped together toward the beginning or end of the report.

mold inspection

Initial Document - Read The Content Below

Attorneys at Goede, Adamczyk, DeBoest & Cross respond to questions about Florida community association law. With offices in Naples, Fort Myers, Coral Gables and Boca Raton, the firm represents community associations throughout Florida and focuses on condominium and homeowner association law, real estate law, litigation, estate planning and business law.

Q: The unit owner above me recently replaced his water heater. The water heater leaked and flooded his unit while he was out of town and the water flowed down into my unit. I understand that my insurance covers my personal property, but the association is refusing to fix the interior drywall and my insurance company is also refusing. Who is responsible? H.H., Marco Island

A: The likely answer is the condominium association, but that answer is only half complete depending on some other factors.

The very general rule under the Florida Condominium Act is that the condominium association repairs and replaces property insured by the association when the property is damaged by an insurable event. For purposes of this answer, we will assume the hot water heater leak was a sudden and insurable event. The association insures all drywall as originally constructed by the developer and like kind replacements. If the analysis stopped here, the condominium association would be responsible to repair the drywall and you would be responsible for the paint or wall coverings and the parties often reach an agreement on how to share in any remediation services which benefit both the drywall and the interior of the unit.

There are a few exceptions to this rule. First, the association only insures drywall as originally installed or like kind replacement. If you moved walls or performed interior alterations to the unit’s configuration, it is possible the association is not required to insure the drywall.

Second, the statute does authorize the condominium association to opt out of the above general rule. If the association did opt out of the statutory requirements, then liability for interior drywall is controlled by the express language of your Declaration of Condominium. Many declarations specifically provide that the condominium association replaces boundary drywall, but the owner replaces interior drywall and sometimes the obligation further depends on whether the drywall is part of a load bearing wall.

Finally, it is possible the above owner was negligent. If your condominium requires owners to shut the water off during an extended leave from the unit, it is possible the owner broke that rule by leaving town without shutting off the water and this breach may have augmented your damages.

Many owners and board members assume that the responsibility to repair the condominium property following water damage is straightforward, but there are many factors contributing to the analysis. For example, if the water leak is caused by a non-insurable event, the analysis follows the opt-out analysis above, but it can be very cumbersome to determine whether an event is actually an insurable event. Because of this, the recommendation is to consult with your attorney to determine the extent of liability, if any.

Q: I live in a condominium association and our community website is terrible. There are no minutes, contracts or financial records to view and the board doesn’t email any updates to the community. During the summer months, I have no way of knowing what is going on and was told the board must have a website. Is the board violating Florida law? T.R., Naples

A: Possibly, but I would need more information to answer the question. Florida law now requires condominiums with 150 or more units to maintain a website. Thus, condominiums with fewer than 150 units are not required under today’s law to maintain a website at all let alone a website with updated information. So, if your condominium includes less than 150 units, the board is not violating the statute.

If the condominium has 150 or more units, the statute then prescribes a number of requirements. First, the website must be independent and wholly owned and operated by the board or a website operated by a third party but in the association’s control. Second, the website must include an owner’s only section that is protected and inaccessible by the general public. The association must also post current copies of various documents in digital format on the website and protected in the owners only section of the website. Some of these documents include the condominium documents, a list of contracts and summary of recent bids, the annual budget, notices, financial reports, and contracts involving a director who is financially interested in the contract.

Q: Our homeowners association (HOA) includes a beautiful clubhouse with a great recreation room and fitness center. I work until 8:00 and used to work out in the fitness center after work. I went to the fitness center yesterday and it was closed citing a new rule adopted by the board. I had no idea this was happening, and the board is refusing to reinstate the old hours. What can be done? J.G., Bonita Springs

A: Probably not much. Florida law concerning rules in HOAs are generally broken down into two categories: 1) rules concerning what can be done on the owners’ lots; and 2) everything else authorized by the governing documents. If the board was considering a rule concerning what you can do on your lot such as rules concerning paint colors or fence heights, then the board must provide at least 14 days’ mailed and posted notice of the board meeting where that rule would be considered. In this situation, you would have known the board was considering such a rule.

That being said, rules governing the common areas such as clubhouse hours, are only required to be adopted by the board after 48 hours’ posted notice. Thus, unless you checked the bulletin board or unless the board emailed you a notice of the meeting, you may not have known this rule was being considered. Clubhouse hours generally fall within the board’s discretionary authority, so to change the hours you are going to need to convince the board to change the hours.

There are other factors that are relevant to the above analysis, so I would recommend you consult a licensed Florida attorney to review the governing documents to determine the extent of the board’s rule-making authority and whether your community covenants require notice and due process above and beyond the statutory requirements.

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Further Reviewing - Read Story Below


A Week In Austin, TX, On A $98,500 Salary

Welcome to Money Diaries, where we're tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We're asking women how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period — and we're tracking every last dollar.

Today: a Global Change Lead working in technology who spends some of her money this week on Popcorners.

Occupation: Global Change Lead

Industry: Technology

Age: 31

Location: Austin, TX

Salary: $98,500

Paycheck Amount (Bi-Weekly + $2,500 Annual Bonus + Stock Options): $2,436

Gender Identity: Cisgender Woman

Monthly Expenses

Monthly Housing Costs: $1,275 (junior one-bedroom)

Student Loans: $370 (for grad school)

401(k): $683 (my employer matches 50% up to 6% of salary)

Car And Renter's Insurance: $127

Cable/Internet: $65

Orange Theory Membership: $109

Spotify/Netflix/Washington Post: $36 (I use a friend's Hulu)

Planned Parenthood Donation: $15

Savings: $300 (this is my minimum transferred per month)

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